Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Another Tragic Avoidable Shooting In CT With Children

Last evening an Amber Alert was issued here in Connecticut in regards to a two-year old and a six-month old gone missing after their grandmother picked them up from daycare.

Just two hours after the alert was issued it was called off when the bodies of the children and the grandmother were found dead of gunshot wounds in the vehicle she was driving.

According to NBC30 in Hartford and other sources the grandmother, Debra Dennison was mentally ill, had split personalities and had access to a gun. What started off the Amber Alert was a suicide note which Dennison had written and when she and the children did not show up for a planned birthday party.

As was the case with the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting also here in Connecticut how is it mentally ill people are allowed or have access or are able to own guns ?

Two more little ones are now dead and needlessly so if only someone made sure this mentally ill woman had no access to a gun or had been institutionalized for her condition.

As usual there will be more questions than answers in this yet another tragedy involving the mentally ill and their ill-fated zeal to commit mayhem on others before themselves.